This is True®

by Randy Cassingham

Stories from My Archives ©1994-2024

Gripping Tale
David Page, 40, of Coltishall, Norfolk, England, was in his yard when he spotted a strange metallic object. He picked it up, wiped it off, opened a cap, found a button, pushed that button ...and only then decided that perhaps, maybe, such an action wasn’t a good idea. What if it’s a bomb, he wondered. Still holding the button down, he called for help. Police ordered up a bomb squad, which advised that surrounding roads be closed until they could get there and assess the situation. “I thought I was going to be blown into millions of bits,” Page said, adding that he taped his thumb to the object to ensure he wouldn’t let go. But after four hours, bomb technicians declared the object safe: it was a spare part from a car. (Norfolk Eastern Daily Press) ...Which Page probably tossed into the yard when he replaced it.
Available in This is True: Book Collection Vol. 11

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