This is True®

by Randy Cassingham

Stories from My Archives ©1994-2024

Number Cruncher
The United States won 103 medals at the Athens Olympics, according to official results. (Russia was second with 92; China third with 63; and Australia fourth with 49.) But Iran, says Mohsen Mehralizadeh, head of that country’s Physical Education Organization, didn’t really end up in 29th place, as per official standings. “Iran won one medal for every 6.2 athletes sent to Athens, while the United States won one medal for 13.8 athletes,” he said. Turkey, he says, won one medal per 12.8 athletes, Great Britain one per 11.8 athletes and Japan one per 12.2. “Therefore, of the 202 countries present at Athens, Iran was in fourth position. This is a good result.” (AFP) ...Mehralizadeh is still pondering the offer from the International Gymnastics Federation to judge men’s gymnastics in the 2008 games.
Available in This is True: Book Collection Vol. 11

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